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Buy now: Bourbon vanilla pods 35g
Do you love the flavour of vanilla? Are you almost crazy for it? Welcome to the club! We consider our original gourmet Bourbon vanilla the queen of all spices. Her flavour is unmistakably sweet and highly aromatic. Bourbon vanilla is the highest yielding type of vanilla and is, along with saffron, one of the most expensive spices in the world! Our original gourmet Bourbon vanilla can not be missing in your kitchen. Buy Bourbon vanilla beans now and refine your dishes with an unmistakable aromatic flavour!
Vanilla extract vs vanilla aroma
Vanilla extract is - as the name suggests - obtained by extracting the aromatic substances from the pod. Vanilla aroma does not have to come from the plant and can also be produced chemically-synthetically. Our aromatic Bourbon vanilla beans come from Madagascar. You probably associate the island with a wild gang of animals that escaped from a zoo, don't you? Did you know that the "Bourbon vanilla pod" owes its name to the original cultivation area, the Île Bourbon?
Processing aromatic Bourbon vanilla
To prepare the pods, simply cut them in half lengthwise and scrape out the pith. If you don't need as much, or want to try it out first, you can also buy the powder directly in the 25 g pack. A little tip from vanilla fan to vanilla fan: the scraped-out pods are far too good to simply throw away, as they still contain a lot of flavour. They are great for making vanilla sugar. Simply put a kilogram of sugar with the pod in a tin or a jar seal it well and leave it to infuse for at least a week - and you have probably the tastiest vanilla sugar in the world! You can use the aromatic vanilla pulp itself in a variety of ways: for example, as a sweet baking ingredient in tropical jackfruit energy balls, juicy banana bread muffins or vegan chocolate chip cookies. But the pulp also adds an intense bourbon vanilla note to refreshing ice cream, delicious puddings or a creamy vanilla sauce. And because we can't get enough of vanilla, we also have delicious organic vanilla flavoured coffee for you!
Buy Bourbon vanilla pods from KoRo
You can use our Bourbon vanilla pods to add an intense vanilla note to your puddings, ice cream, biscuits, cakes and tortes, among others. Simply scrape the vanilla essence out of the pods and use it however you like! Vanilla is also spectacular in drinks, such as a hot cocoa or a chai latte. If you are still not convinced, add the aromatic allrounder to your basket and taste it for yourself — order 35 g of Bourbon vanilla pods now!
Product number: | VAN_003 |
Best before date | 31.12.2026 |
Origin | Madagascar |
Content | 0.035 kg |
Manufacturer | KoRo |
EAN/GTIN | 4260654781731 |
Data sheet | Specification |
Nutrition traces | Nutrition traces |
Shipping | Delivery time outside of Germany |
Company |
KoRo Handels GmbH Hauptstraße 26, 10827 Berlin |
Storage Advice | Store in a cool and dry place, away from light |
Ingredients | 100% vanilla |
Trade Name | Bourbon vanilla pods |
Label note | Ingredients, nutritional values, and packaging may change. For exact information, please check the product description. |
Press & Resellers | Download cropped photo |
Bourbon vanilla pods 35g | Bourbon vanilla powder 25g | |
Reviews | ||
Price | €17.00 | €17.00 |
Product number | VAN_003 | VAN_004 |
Content | 0.035 kg | 0.025 kg |
Base price | €485.71 / 1 kg | €680.00 / 1 kg |
Countries of origin | Madagascar | Madagascar |
Ingredients | 100% vanilla | 100% vanilla |
Varieties & origins

Bourbon Vanille
Die Hauptart der Vanille ist die Gewürzvanille, die Dir bestimmt unter dem Bourbon Vanilla
In 2017, over 8 million tons of vanilla were produced worldwide, 95% of which was Bourbon vanilla. Madagascar leads the world production with about 3.2 million tons per year. The optimum planting period for vanilla orchids is between September and November. After three years the vanilla orchids bear flowers for the first time, which are then pollinated by hand. The vanilla farmers must always be vigilant in their search for new flowers, as they only bloom for one day. So if pollination does not take place within 24 hours, the flower withers and no capsule fruit is produced.

Ursprünglich kommt Gewürzvanille aus Mexiko, wird aber auch in anderen tropischen Regionen angebaut, insbesondere Madagaskar und den benachbarten Inseln.

Die Vanillepflanze Vanilla planifolia gehört zur Gattung der Orchideen und rankt im Urwald an Bäumen empor. Die Pflanze blüht erst 9 Monate nach Bestäubung, und aus den cremegelben Blüten wachsen die Schoten.
Im August können die reifen Bourbon-Vanilleschoten geerntet werden. Dafür wird jede Schote einzeln geprüft und von Hand von der Pflanze getrennt.

Um den Namen Bourbon-Vanille tragen zu dürfen, muss die Vanille von den so genannten Bourbon-Inseln (Madagaskar, Komoren, Réunion, Seychellen und Mauritius) stammen. Die Insel La Réunion hieß früher „Île Bourbon“, daher der Name. Bourbon-Vanille wird daher französisch ausgesprochen, im Gegensatz zum Bourbon-Whisky, der englisch ausgesprochen wird.

Mit Schoten sind eigentlich die Samenkapseln der Bourbon-Vanille gemeint. Diese sind bei ihrer Ernte ungenießbar. Sie werden erst durch die sogenannte Schwarzbrennung zu leckerer Vanille. Zuerst werden dafür die Samenkapseln mit heißem Wasser behandelt und dann bis zu vier Wochen lang in luftdichten Behältern fermentiert, wodurch das geschmacksgebende Vanillin entsteht.

Fernsehköche kratzen die Schoten meist aus, dabei enthält die Kapselfrucht mehr Aroma als der Inhalt. Um Dir den vollen Geschmack zu bieten und Dir zuhause die Verwendung der Vanille zu vereinfachen, kannst Du bei uns gemahlene Bourbon-Vanille kaufen.
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4-5 star reviews 🙂
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1-3 star reviews 🙃
I am curious
I love vanilla pods very much.
Highly recommended. I will buy again.
Super tasty 😋 as always!!!!! Fast delivery!
Good quality, very good packaging and fast delivery
I will become a regular customer....
Super! Great price-performance ratio