Bring palm trees, beach and coconuts home. With this feel-good recipe you can make a nice start to your morning or surprise your loved ones with it. The combination of creamy cashew puree, a fluffy dough and fine coconut flavor not only tastes like vacation, but also looks great on the plate.
50 g | Spelt flour |
10 g | Sojamehl |
1 Tsp. | Baking powder |
200 ml | Coconut drink |
20 g | Coconut flour |
1 tbsp. | Cashewmus |
3 tbsp. | Coconut shavings |
1 Tsp. | Coconut oil |
2 tbsp. | Agave syrup |
1 point of a knife | Vanilla |
1 handful | Blueberries |
1 handful | Blackberries |
1 | Coconut chips |
Step 1/8
Combine spelt flour, coconut flour, baking powder, soy flour and vanilla.
Step 2/8
Add coconut drink and agave syrup.
Step 3/8
Leave the dough to stand for about 10 minutes.
Step 4/8
Grease a pan with coconut oil and place 1 tablespoon of the batter per pancake in the pan.
Step 5/8
Warm the cashew puree to make it more liquid and therefore easier to spread.
Step 6/8
Spread the shredded coconut on a plate.
Step 7/8
Dip the finished pancakes first with the edge in the cashew puree and then garnish with coconut flakes.
Step 8/8
Stack all the coconut pancakes on top of each other and garnish them with the berries, remaining cashew puree and coconut chips.
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