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Buy now: Organic chickpeas 2kg
Whether for falafel, hummus, or vegan curry, chickpeas have become an indispensable part of our culinary lives! And that's a good thing - we cannot imagine a life without them. With their slightly nutty, buttery taste, these versatile and delicious legumes are a must-have in your kitchen which you can now buy in a practical 2-kilo bag!
Chickpea – the Oriental legume
Even if the name suggests it, chickpeas are not related to peas. A member of the legume family, chickpeas play a major role in countries such as North Africa, India, the Middle East, and all Arab countries, where they are considered the quintessential staple food – truly nutritious and inexpensive. In the meantime, the delicious legumes are known all over the world, and the Oriental specialties associated with them are more than just a trend: falafel wraps have long become a classic – not only here in Berlin! And hummus, one of the world's most popular bread spreads, especially among vegans, can nowadays be found in literally every supermarket. No matter what your favourite is, our organic chickpeas provide you with a 2-kilo stock for all your chickpea adventures! Whether you are planning to cook for your family and friends, or simply love chickpeas – you're all set.
Great source of plant-based protein
In our bag you will find 100% chickpeas: no preservatives, flavourings, or colourings, which, as you hopefully know, we always try to avoid. Therefore, our chickpeas are purely plant-based and of course vegan. With 19 grams of protein per 100, which makes them a real protein bomb, the little round legumes are also very high-fibre and extremely versatile. Last but certainly not least, they come from certified organic cultivations!
Recipes with chickpeas
Chickpeas can be used in many ways. Whether in curries, salads, turned into hummus, as a snack – there are countless recipes which include, or are even based on, chickpeas! How about a falafel wrap or baked carrots with hummus? Being true chickpea fans, we have enriched our product selection of many versions of the beloved legumes: as a spread, a snack, ground into flour, or fusilli-shaped, chickpeas really make us always happy! And did you know that you could even use them to make delicious and low-carb desserts too, like the popular blondies? But wait, let us calm down: in our enthusiasm, we completely forgot to tell you how to best prepare our chickpeas! Ideally, you should soak them overnight – at least 12 hours – in two to three times the water, and simply boil them in fresh water for about 90 minutes (the cooking time will of course be faster if you use a steamer). Well, if you are looking for a bulk-sized pack, you probably already know your way around and how you want to use the chickpeas. So all you have to do now is buy our organic chickpeas in the advantageous 2-kilo bag and have them comfortably delivered at your door!
Average nutritional values | per 100 g |
Calorific value (in kj/kcal) | 1421 / 339 |
Fat | 5.9 g |
thereof saturated fatty acids | 1.1 g |
Carbohydrates | 44 g |
thereof sugar | 2.4 g |
Dietary fiber | 16 g |
Protein | 19 g |
Salt | 0.06 g |
Product number: | HUELSEN_015 |
Best before date | 31.10.2026 |
Origin | Türkei, Italien (weitere Herkunftsländer verfügbarkeitsbedingt möglich) |
Organic Origin | EU / non-EU agriculture |
Content | 2 kg |
Manufacturer | KoRo |
EAN/GTIN | 4260335835685 |
Data sheet | Specification |
Organic control body & Organic origin |
Nutrition traces | Nutrition traces |
Shipping | Delivery time outside of Germany |
Company |
KoRo Handels GmbH Hauptstraße 26, 10827 Berlin |
Storage Advice | Kühl, trocken und vor Licht geschützt lagern |
Ingredients | 100 % Kichererbsen* *aus biologischer Landwirtschaft |
Cross contamination | Kann GLUTEN enthalten |
Trade Name | Bio Kichererbsen getrocknet |
Label note | Ingredients, nutritional values, and packaging may change. For exact information, please check the product description. |
Press & Resellers | Download cropped photo |

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Varieties & origins

Relatively round, large, and smooth, Kabuli chickpeas are golden/beige, and are grown mostly in the Mediteranean area, South America, and South East Asia. Most of the chickpeas we consume in Europe are of this variety. They have a gentle and nutty taste.
India is one of the main producers of chickpeas; in 2017, 67% of the world harvest came from India. No wonder, since these protein-rich legumes are a staple in India. Other important growing areas are Australia, Myanmar, Ethiopia, and Turkey. The 10 largest producers bring in 92% of the world crop, and in 2017 more than 14 million tons of chickpeas were produced worldwide.

Kichererbsen bevorzugen ein warmes Klima und viel Sonnenschein. Da sie außerdem mit wenig Wasser auskommen, werden Kichererbsen hauptsächlich in subtropischen Gebieten angebaut, wo sich der Anbau entsprechend unkompliziert gestaltet. Indien und Australien sind weltweit führend in der Produktion.

Die Kichererbse ist eine einjährige krautige Pflanze. Je nach Sorte kann sie eine Höhe von 40 Zentimeter bis hin zu einem Meter erreichen. In ihrer Blütezeit bilden sich weiße, lilafarbene oder dunkelrote Blüten an ihren langen Stielen. Pro Pflanze entwickeln sich meist zwei ungleich große Samen. Das sind die uns bekannten Kichererbsen.

Rund 10.000 Jahre reicht die Geschichte der Kichererbse zurück. Jahrtausend alte Funde belegen ihren jungsteinzeitlichen Anbau in Teilen der heutigen Türkei, wo sie bereits damals als Nahrungsmittel verwendet wurde. Erst sehr viel später verbreitete sich die Pflanze auch in Europa. Insbesondere in Griechenland und Italien lässt sich ihr Anbau als Nutzpflanze bereits vor vielen tausend Jahren nachweisen.

Die Herstellung gerösteter Kichererbsen ist an die traditionelle Leblebi-Produktion angelehnt. Nach dem Aussortieren, Reinigen und Einweichen werden die Kichererbsen dabei einer mehrstufigen Wärmebehandlung unterzogen. Nach einer Ruhepause beginnt die eigentliche Röstung der dehydrierten Kichererbsen. Je nach gewünschter Geschmacksrichtung werden für den knusprigem Snack unterschiedliche Gewürze verwendet.

Durch die Röstung haben die Kichererbsen ihr Aroma und eine gelblich-bräunliche Farbe erhalten. Bei unseren gerösteten Kichererbsen verzichten wir bewusst auf Zuckerzusatz und künstliche Farb- oder Konservierungsstoffe. Geröstet und gesalzen landen unsere Kichererbsen in der Vorteilspackung und sind bereit für Deinen crunchigen Filmeabend.
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Chickpea love
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Very good follow-up, good and tasty products
I will soon find out what the quality is like.
The chickpeas are a little small, but taste good and are organic.
Chickpeas always work...
Gladly again and again!
A must for your stock and your wallet
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