🗓 09/08/2023 👤 Christin Uthoff

Vinegar pearls: A culinary gem

Looks like caviar? It's not, but these little pearls will take you on a very special journey: to Italy. So pack your imaginary suitcase and off you go! Here you can find out everything you need to know about KoRo vinegar pearls, plus a delicious recipe for your next barbecue. And we promise: You'll feel like you're in Bella Italia!

Vinegar pearls: A culinary gem

Vinegar pearls: what exactly are they?

The small, soft pearls with a liquid core surprise with every bite: the thin membrane bursts in the mouth and releases the aromatic core of the finest "Aceto Balsamico di Modena I.G.P.". As the name suggests, this aromatic vinegar comes from Modena, an Italian city near Bologna. It is known beyond the country's borders for its unique balsamic vinegar. And, of course, for the sunny weather and the Italian way of life. Espresso, gelato, pizza and pasta always go down a treat! We at KoRo thought: We want to bring La Dolce Vita to your plate and transport you to sunny Italy in your thoughts and taste buds.

You're probably wondering now: Why in the shape of a ball? We think so: It certainly looks really fancy! But let's be honest: liquid balsamic vinegar is already really tasty, but it's no longer an Italian insider tip. We asked ourselves: what if the taste only really developed in the mouth? When the sweet and sour vinegar aroma surprises you and you really pause for a moment to let the little pearls melt on your tongue? Dreamed, done: we tested, adjusted, tried again, adjusted again. Until the little greeting from Italy reached our taste buds and we can now proudly present our vinegar pearls!

The basics of molecular cuisine: when food becomes magic

To make this happen, we've turned to molecular cuisine. Don't worry: we're not coming around the corner with the molecular construction kit from chemistry class. It's more about changing the original physical structure of food and giving it a new consistency. The familiar balsamic flavor remains just as delicious as it is, but gelling agents provide an exciting and unusual structure. Molecular cuisine pushes the boundaries of the ordinary and takes your taste buds on a rollercoaster ride of the senses!

Discover the variety of small flavor balls

So, is your mouth watering already? Or are you still stuck in chemistry class? Either way: We'll take you with us and show you how you can integrate these little flavor wonders into your diet. The answer is simple: anywhere and everywhere! Top salads, soups or grilled vegetables with the little pearls and give your dishes that certain something. The tart pearls also add a surprising twist to desserts such as ice cream or fruit salad. There are no limits to your imagination!

The special feature: It's not the whole salad that tastes of vinegar, but individual small morsels are given a unique kick by the fine pearls. They take your sweet or savory dishes to a new level in terms of appearance and taste and are guaranteed to amaze all your friends at your next dinner! KoRo secret tip: It's worth being quick, because these vinegar pearls are not often available to buy. Additional benefit: They are vegan and free from artificial colors and preservatives. So treat yourself to the 200 g jar now and bring Bella Italia into your kitchen!

Italian pasta salad with vinegar pearls

To really get that Italian feeling, you need the right recipe, of course. KoRo won't let you down and will provide you with this delicious and simple Italian pasta salad with vinegar pearls!

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