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🗓 02/04/2024 👤 Pia Bothe

Breakfast Battle: The ultimate flake comparison

Hail the oatmeal! Because they are the queen of the breakfast table and for many, they are simply part of a successful start to the day. Fortunately, oats don't have a monopoly on flakes, as they can be made from a wide variety of plants. And who knows, maybe after reading this article you'll have a breakfast date with your new favorite flake.

Breakfast Battle: The ultimate flake comparison

Sprouted oat flakes

We can't and don't want to let go of the oat flakes completely at the beginning. We prefer to pull the plaster off slowly and carefully so that we don't forget the sprouted organic oat flakes, which are otherwise overshadowed by their famous sister. The germination process activates enzymes. Sprouted oats also taste a little nuttier and sweeter than their non-sprouted counterparts. Perfect for your next homemade almond and cinnamon granola!

Spelt flakes

The first step out of the world of oatmeal is spelt flakes, because you can use them 1:1 instead of oatmeal in your morning muesli or porridge. But our spelt flakes not only cut a great figure here, they also make an ideal base for baking. Once processed into flour in the blender, you can use them to bake delicious pancakes or moist bread. And because all good things come in threes, spelt flakes are of course also your partner in crime when it comes to savory dishes! Try our vegan spelt flake patties! By the way: with 13 g of protein and 8 g of fiber per 100 g, spelt flakes are only just behind oat flakes! And you can grab them in large or small sizes, depending on your preference. So it's almost like the good old oat flakes. By the way, our spelt flakes are 100% organic.

Rice flakes

Rice for breakfast? Gladly in flake form! Because our organic rice flakes can satisfy your desire for rice pudding in the morning much more quickly. But rice flakes also taste great as a change from classic cereals thanks to their mildly sweet taste in combination with fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts and seeds. Nevertheless, we don't want to deprive you of a comparison with our classic, oat flakes, simply because of the title and say here: 1:0 for our all-rounder! Because unlike rice flakes, oat flakes have a high fiber content (10 g/100 g) and are also a source of protein (14 g/100 g)! Of course, you should still try our rice flakes, especially if you fancy a sweet change at breakfast. Incidentally, rice does not naturally contain gluten, but traces of gluten may be present.

Buckwheat flakes

Let's continue with our organic buckwheat flakes, which - surprise surprise - are made from the pseudocereal buckwheat. Pseudocereals are a group of certain plants that do not belong to the classic cereals such as oats, rye or wheat, but are often used as grain substitutes due to their similar use. Most of them are gluten-free, but cross-contamination can always occur during processing. However, as buckwheat is so similar to conventional grains, you can use our buckwheat flakes in the same way as oat flakes, i.e. in muesli, porridge or ground into flour in pancakes and banana bread. Their intensely nutty taste is ideal for anyone whose taste buds crave a little more oomph in their flakes. You can find a recipe for intense-tasting porridge with buckwheat flakes here.

Soy flakes

Our underdog in flake form: organicsoy flakes. With a whopping 41 g of protein and 19 g of fiber per 100 g, they outperform all our flakes at top speed - even the popular oat flakes! What's more, they are roasted and are therefore suitable for a crunchy muesli. One small disadvantage: if you are more of a porridge fan, it takes a little longer for them to soften and unfortunately our soy flakes are not quite as tender as our buckwheat or spelt flakes. But that doesn't matter at all, because the crunch makes them something very special and is a unique selling point in our flake comparison. So be sure to try our recipe for crunchy protein muesli! They also work well in savory dishes that need a little more bite and protein!

Soca flakes

After the soy flakes, you thought it couldn't get any better? That we'd reached the top of the flake mountain with them? Well, you thought wrong! Because our organic soy flakes combine the high protein and fiber content of soy flakes with the tenderness and variety of oat flakes! Soca flakes are soy flakes from which fat has been removed. As a result, they are not quite as crunchy as their soy flake counterparts, but are wonderfully soft in porridge. Another plus? They can also be used as a hearty alternative to meat, for example in a soy flake bolognese with red wine and mushroom sauce! If you want to find out more about this flaky top performer, read our blog article!

Emmer flakes

The mildly nutty flakes made from the ancient grain emmer are also ideal as an alternative to classic oat flakes and impress with their slightly more firm bite. Just like our organic spelt or buckwheat flakes, you can use emmer flakes instead of oat flakes in your recipes. They also have a high fiber content (7 g/100 g) and are a source of protein (13 g/100 g). Finally, a fun fact about ancient grains: ancient varieties often require less water than modern varieties and are also more robust and resistant to climatic changes! Of course, our emmer flakes are also 100% organically grown. Have you ever tried hearty porridge? It's high time you did with our emmer flakes!

4-grain flakes

For anyone who can't decide on their ideal flake after reading this article: No worries, we got you. At KoRo, we think of everything and everyone. Our organic 4-grain fla kes combine barley, oat, wheat and rye flakes at a top price of €8 per 2.5 kg! All four flakes are real pros for both breakfast and baking and contain a high fiber content with 12 g of fiber per 100 g and are a source of protein with 11 g of protein per 100 g. So don't just choose one flake, choose four! Speaking of baking: We have a top recipe for flourless bread with nuts and our 4-grain flakes!


It's really difficult for us to choose a winning flake from this selection and variety, as each flake has its very own advantages. Judged on the basis of macronutrients, our Socasflakes with their unbeatably high protein and fiber content are in first place. This is followed by our rice flakes in the lowest price category at €7.25 per kilogram, although you can get even more with the queen of flakes, our large leaf oat flakes for €1.70 per kilogram. Looking for a more intense flavor in your porridge? Then our buckwheat flakes will probably appeal to you the most. As you can see, it's not that easy to choose a winner in the flake battle, because in the end, every flake is a winner in its best discipline!

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