Food Journal

In our blog you will find everything you need to know about food. We present unique recipes that we have developed in cooperation with talents and KoRo fans, and in our interviews you will get new impressions on the topics of healthy nutrition and starting a business.

🗓 02/07/2024

Beat the heat: Unsere Favoriten um runterzukühlen

Es ist mal wieder so weit: Die Jahreszeit, in der man am liebsten nur Wassermelone essen würde. Da das aber auf Dauer etwas einseitig wird, zeigen wir Dir unsere Favorites, um erfrischende Mahlzeiten zuzubereiten.

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 28/06/2024

Deep Dive: Die Lieferkette bei KoRo

Bei KoRo ist es uns wichtig, Lieferketten transparent darzustellen und wo möglich zu verkürzen, um Konsument:innen eine bewusste Entscheidung zu ermöglichen. Was genau wir mit kurzen Lieferketten meinen, sorgt hin und wieder für Fragezeichen. Darum wollen wir Dir hier erklären, wie wir an das Thema Lieferketten herangehen, was wir bereits umsetzen können und wo noch Verbesserungsbedarf ist. Als vergleichsweise junges Unternehmen auf dem Markt, sind wir nämlich noch lange nicht perfekt und befinden uns auf einer Reise hin zu direkteren Handelswegen und transparenteren Lieferketten. In diesem Artikel möchten wir Dir einen Einblick geben, welche Herausforderungen sich auf dieser Reise ergeben, warum Transparenz in Lieferketten wichtig ist und wie wir uns diesem Thema nähern.

👤 Florian Schwenkert

🗓 28/06/2024

Ein Blick in die Lieferkette: Wo kommen KoRo Cashews her?

Unser Cashewbruch zählt zu den KoRo-Bestsellern. Ob im Müsli, zum Kochen oder pur als Snack: Die Scheinfrüchte des Cashewsbaums sind echte Küchenallrounder. In diesem Artikel wollen wir Dir mehr über die Herkunft unserer Rohcashews und unsere Zusammenarbeit mit den Produzent:innen in Afrika erzählen.

👤 Natalie Wendt

🗓 25/06/2024

Warum unsere Follower:innen KoRo lieben: Ein Blick hinter die Social-Media-Kulissen

Schnelle Schnitte, knallige Farben und natürlich ASMR gehören ins Standardrepertoire unseres Social Media Teams. Dank ihnen reihen sich die KoRo-Kanäle nahtlos und doch mit dem gewissen Biss (pun intended) in die sozialen Medien ein. Wie das gelingt, haben wir unsere Junior Social Media Managerin Annett gefragt.

👤 Pia Bothe

🗓 18/06/2024

Under the (nutritional) microscope: Fasting

Fasting has been booming in recent years with claims such as cell renewal and rejuvenation, anti-inflammatory effects, increased fat burning and bowel cleansing. Today we explain whether there is any truth to this and why fasting has more than just health benefits.

👤 Pia Bothe

🗓 14/06/2024

KoRo x DFB: Our snacking squad in the spotlight

Here we go! Here we go! The 2024 European Championship in Germany has kicked off and we would like to present you with our hit of the tournament: As the proud snack partner of the men's national soccer team, we have launched a TV commercial for our cooperation with the DFB!

👤 Lukas Reiche

🗓 04/06/2024

A little kitchen lore: rubbed herbs

POV: You're standing in front of the spice shelf in your local supermarket. In addition to the usual candidates salt, pepper and paprika, there are of course turmeric, cinnamon and cloves as well as ready-made spice mixes for various dishes. But you are looking for herbs. Pepper is available as whole grains and ground, salt in coarse and fine, but what are rubbed herbs actually supposed to be?

👤 Katharina Hertling

🗓 28/05/2024

How to make: Tepache

Just when you thought to yourself: Kombucha, kefir, I've seen it all, we come around the corner with a new fermented drink. And we didn't come up with it ourselves - your new favorite drink originally comes from Mexico.

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 21/05/2024

KoRo x DFB: the direct hit at the start of the European Championships

Our snacks kick differently, and no longer "just" in terms of taste, but now also on the pitch as an official partner of the men's national team. Well, maybe more off the pitch. Or at public viewings, because for the fans, snacks are part and parcel of an exciting soccer match.

👤 Pia Bothe

🗓 30/04/2024

Under the (nutritional) microscope: Detox

A few years ago, detox became a trend and it doesn't seem to want to let go any time soon. So it's time we took a closer look at detox cures from a nutritional science perspective and found out whether the fruit and vegetable-rich trend is as healthy as it is claimed to be.

👤 Pia Bothe

🗓 23/04/2024

How is salt actually produced?

Let's be honest: you probably learned it in elementary school but forgot it again - relatable. But don't worry, the KoRo kitchen crew is on hand to refresh your knowledge of the kitchen ingredient par excellence!

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 22/04/2024

Broken goods: What are they actually?

Chocolate, stone and cashew break, but our love of snacks doesn't! Bags full of supposedly defective nuts and chocolate are bestsellers in our house. But why are they cheaper than whole nuts or intact chocolate bars and what is actually behind the term "broken" or "B-goods"?

👤 Lilli Lipka

🗓 15/04/2024

Why you will immediately recognize KoRo products on the shelf: A look behind the design scenes

Beige packaging, black lettering and charming illustrations - the typical KoRo design stands out from the crowd. Behind the almost iconic look are the creative minds of our design team. To find out more about their work, we spoke to Dima, our Design Lead for product packaging.

👤 Pia Bothe

🗓 10/04/2024

On a spoon: olives and olive oil

They are small, oval, green or black and shiny. You either love them or you hate them. There are even relationship theories about them. So, do you already know what we're talking about?

👤 Hannah Rieder

🗓 08/04/2024

Calories vs. nutrients: Fierce battle or harmonious duet?

When you look at the nutritional table, are you sometimes unsure what all that jumble of numbers actually means? However, calories and nutrients are not just numbers, but perform numerous important tasks in our body. That's why we want to take a closer look at them and consider them in their overall context with the help of various foods.

👤 Pia Bothe