Chocolate does not always have to have a huge portion of industrial sugar. If you make your own chocolate bar, you know exactly what ingredients it has. Our recipe for white chocolate, for example, is sweetened with coconut blossom sugar and agave syrup. The end result is a fine snack - to give away or for your own enjoyment!
Step 1/5
Melt cocoa butter, coconut puree and coconut oil in a water bath until a smooth, liquid mass is formed.
Step 2/5
Remove from water bath and mix in all other ingredients. Mix well.
Step 3/5
Now pour the liquid mase into one (or more) silicone mold(s).
Step 4/5
Place in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour so that the mixture can harden.
Step 5/5
Then leave at room temperature for a short time so that the full aroma can develop. Now you can enjoy!
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